Monday, April 20, 2009

Corporate Culture

It’s a phase where I am getting bogged down by the legacy of a brand that I carry with myself wherever I go. I thought I washed it out when I joined my present college, but turns out I was wrong. I know I can be enthused by this fact and use it to my advantage, but right now I’m somehow not in a position to do that, and it quite sucks.
This is the fifth office that I am in. And I have had enough number of people around me to talk about their offices as well. I think if I say that I want to work in a place where the ultimate management is not in Indian hands, it would not be a baseless statement. There is a difference in culture that trickles down. I don’t like working in non-clean, low on decorum, high decibel level kind of places.
I have felt pressure in and realised incompetence of my college on various occasions, but I have always accepted things the way they are. It takes a lot for this college to frustrate me with its system because I was prepared to face whatever shit they dole out. I do comment and crib, but that’s more like a routine thing and playing along with everyone else around. But today, I am bloody pissed. I hate this director, and I hate him! He might like to believe he is a workaholic, and people might like to believe that he has a strong network, but the fucker thinks that the world can function on his whims. Someone tell him he is wrong. He is one of the people I will get back at one day in life. He is making me succumb to things that I strongly oppose, and I will so not let him get away with it. Whenever my day comes.
On a lighter note...
I am the only woman on my floor in this office. And it is not exciting at all. I think something in me is dying.
Jargon rules in this industry. I’m going to have a tough time. Minutes of a meeting are referred to as service report. Bledy.
P.S. – I got more piercings in my ears. One of them is hurting. But I’m happy.


Avan said...

Even I have an UNBELIEVABLY long list of people I have to get back at, for both stupid and genuine reasons. And BELIEVE you me revenge will be sweet one day.

Hahahahahahahaha (Evil powerful laugh)

RB said...

And it's funny how our conversation in the evening was related to this even though it had nothing to do with this post or comment. :)

Dude, this is too cool!! And we shall do the evil laugh on that day in future too! :D