Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Sinking investments

I had begun to believe that I had a grip on the two ends of the arch and am being successful in bringing them together to close the circle. As with most things nowadays, I was wrong.
I still expect. And it pains to see investments sink.


Sumit said...

These days, the posts are getting shorter, aren't they? :|

Btw, what arch? What investments?

~ ॐ ~ said...

then don't make a circle.. instead make a bow and and use some arrows to shoot !!!

and you are sure to hit bull's eye sooner or later !

good luck !

RB said...

No reason for shorter posts. None that I know of...

Investment of time in people.


Me said...

sometimes the arches dont come together to make a just shoots outa hand and twang to forma straight line with the ends standin farthest..diametrically opposite to what twas spposed to be..n then somewhere leave invisible chords of connectivity subconsciously left behind..which mght strengthen later on,to form what u thought was all gone...
It's never over..the end that u see..maynot be really so ..Keep the faith that keeps you going :)

Subhadip said...

I don't understand the context, so will refrain from commenting. Hope to see a happy post soon.

RB said...

Hmm... thanks.

I hope so too.