Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Wondering why some things happen…
And some don’t.

Why some things happen when you don’t want them to happen…
And some don’t happen when you want them to happen.


Why god reverses roles between two people
without telling either why he’s doing it.


Why such a big deal is made out of success and failure
when they’re both part of the same life.


Why extremes exist.
Why everything can’t be neutral and in the middle.
Does that take colour out of life?
But do we really need the black extreme?

Do we need to get suicidal?
Do we need murder?
Do we need loneliness?

Or is it that...

There won’t be loneliness if there wasn’t happiness at some point of time?
There won’t be humanitarians if there weren’t murders and the like?


How come the grays are so vast
when black and white are like spots.


If it is just my perception
or people can relate to it.

Also wondering...

Why I care about what people think.

Then wondering...

Why I shouldn’t care about what people think
when I am part of people.


Why I don’t seem to have control
Why I think I am a control freak
And why control should be an important word.

Why I need to have control on desires.
Why I need to have control on emotions.
Why others seem to have a control over the sub conscious.


What are the drivers towards insanity.
Lack of control, you might want to say?


Why mechanisms can’t remain mechanical.
Why a cleaner also needs cleaning.
And why systems break down.


If simplicity is overrated.
If it is really hard to sustain it.


Anonymous said...

too many observations at the starting of yr .........have a great yr ahead :)

Kanika said...

Thinking so hard on the 1st?

Well...Happy New Year and sit back a bit...

RB said...

Kinda. :-)
You gotta have a more happening year, I think. :D

Generally thinking.

You have a great new year too. :-)

R said...

In my opinion, loneliness is the way to go.

Like stuff towards the end.

RB said...

Loneliness is the way to go? Why, Rohit?

Reeta Skeeter said...

Thoughts.. hmmm
Happy New Year!