Tuesday, July 10, 2007


And I talk again! Again an attempt to capture some nice moments in my little store of words.
After having stuck to the bed for over 5 days, I went to work still half-dead today. Thankfully, it was a conference-to-attend-and-no-work-to-do day. I was moving around lifelessly till 5 in the evening, which is when I got a call from Neha. Good news. Two friends cleared the D School entrance exam! Two close friends. Two very very kickass, intelligent, brainy friends. One support-system friend.
Start jumping. No, stop, you're still around normal people.
Start yelling on the phone. No, stop, control, control the volume, womannnn eassyyyy!!!!!
So I hang up. And grin. And grin non-stop. Compel people to ask me what the reason for the joyous mood is. And I announce! Everybody understands the gravity of the situation because 90% of the people have an Economics background.
And so I start calling to congratulate! I am yelling again but I don't give a fuck anymore. Everybody knows by now that the woman will have no manners, she will walk around in the corridor instead of finding a corner, and yell into other people's ears that 'I told you you'll clear it!'. It's all cool!
And then I am desperate for a hug. Shit desperate! Who would have thought that I was the same person who was cribbing about weird smells in the hotel 5 minutes ago! AAANNDD I found Priya for the incredible gesture. She's one of the cuter people that WWW has recruited along with me. Although I have absolutely no special liking for that adjective, so it's ok. Anyway, coming back!
Then I made the second call. That is when I mentioned that I want to have a BIG party and just splurge all the money that I have. I REEEAAALLLLYYY wanted to spend it all! But look at my luck, neither of the two buggers were in Delhi! Hmph! Sad, I tell you!
But yeah man, I am very very happy. Incredibly happy. So unbelievably kicked about the whole thing! I know such starlets! Academic superbrains Ami and T are! They're superbrains otherwise too, but you can't beat them at academia. At least not in Economics. Wanna bet? :P

And incidentally, this is my 100th post on this blog. :D


b. said...

So Fuchsia coming along at a fast rate...Awesome :)

And congratulations to both your friends!!

Jayant said...

Congrats to both T and Ami! I can so imagine the stupid grin on your face -- I had one myself! :D
Really, this is awesome! but, not surprising. Although, Amiya tries to build as much suspense as she possibly can, what with all the cribbing about how many errors she made. :P But we know what's bad for her, is generally damn good for the rest. :) Congrats once again guys! Looking forward to a grand treat now! :D

MeMyself_n_I said...

ooooh congratulations to the both of them!

and congrats to u on having completed 100 posts. :-)

~ Deeps ~ said...

Congrats to both of ur friends.......really a awesome achievement .....good luck to both of them

Subhadip said...

Congrats to both your friends!

100 posts in this blog! Already! Prolific!

Unknown said...

Who is T? I congratulated Amiya a while ago.
But can I tell you something?
It annoyed me like nothing on earth when colleagues took private calls sitting or walking near me while I was doing something worthwhile or otherwise. My rule of thumb always was to take phone calls outside or in conference rooms or whatever but not in front of colleagues, unless of course it was an emergency or I knew that the call was going to be short.
But let me not be instructing you on your office protocol and chemistry. You obviously know the equation there the best.

RB said...

Thanks! :)

I know exactly what you mean. :)
And yes, big treat now. :D

Thanks (for myself and on their behalf). :)

Yeah, really awesome! :)


T is my friend Tarun.

Like I said, it was a no-work day. It was a hotel corridor that I was referring to. I do understand professional behaviour a little now, so don't do this in office.

R said...

100 already on this one?! Not bad!

Don't know about T, but Amiya is such a go-getter. Just really glad she made it :)

That Girl said...

Hey thanks for this post, and THANKS all you guys!! Richa, Rohit, Jay - you guys really made me smile a mile!! THANK YOU.

And congrats on the 100th post! I can remember similar milestones on VT, hoping for the same on Fuchsia.

RB said...

Yeah, 100 already!

Yes, she's completely awesome, and the smartest woman I know. :)

You're welcome? :D

VT went a real long way. Let's see how far this one goes.

Silver Mist said...

CONGRATULATIONS to both Ami and T!! Awesome work you guys! :D

And CONGRATULATIONS to Richa for the 100th post! Awesome work! :D

RB said...

Thank you thank you! :D