Saturday, July 17, 2010

New Post

This is one of those posts which are published only because I think the previous post has enjoyed more than enough glory. Close to four weeks in this case. In this time too many thoughts died before maturing. I wanted to write about our nation's current state too, but I am just not in that opinion-sharing mode right now. Other thoughts have been way too personal to make it here. So what follows is just another rumble-ramble of words.

# My skin has still not completely recovered from May's sunburns. I don't know what is the matter with it.

# My knee has not recovered from the unregistered injury from I-don't-know-when either. More tests next week.

# God might not have given me a job yet, but He did give me a painless root canal procedure. I am thankful.

# I got a new, hot-looking hairdo but the bloody humidity is killing it.

# I was hoping Netherlands would win.

# Some people do way too bastardly things all the time.

# My brother let me drive his sedan the other night.

# Retail therapy does have temporary positive effects.

# I watched A-Team and wondered yet again why the standard of these flicks has gone down so much.

# I tried Jiggs Kalra's Legends of India at CP. The ambience sucked and the food was ordinary. Worst was that they had closed down their first floor and expected customers to climb two floors of ill-designed stairs for a 'luxurious' dining experience.

# Met Ranjan after about three months which felt like much longer.

# I also watched Tere Bin Laden and I must say it is a rather nicely done project. Enjoyed it thoroughly!

# Someone who called me 'backbone-less' a few months ago sent me a friend request on FB. Whatever is this fixation with raising the number from 851 to 852!

# On the job front, I think I have seen it all in the context of wanting a certain kind of a job. From no openings to unsolicited career advice to openings that got closed the day I approached a company to processes on hold for over two months to a near-promise which suddenly became 'position on hold', I have really seen it all.
It so fuckin' sucks to be patient and hopeful. Today, it feels nothing different from being patient and hopeful about relationships with assholic men. I just hope things don't end up being like those relationships.

# My body piercings have come down from nine to six. :-/

# My laptop is ageing too much too soon.

A distance MSc. from London School of Economics costs close to INR 3.5 lakh. I think this is the end of the world.


P. said...

I think you meant friend list from 169 to 170 =p

Lot of hypocrites in the world =D

PS: Hot hairdo hasn't featured anywhere. This is unacceptable.

Ranjan Atreya said...

Dude it felt so awesome to meet u..tho i must make a few observations myself:
1. u look white, ur skin cud possibly not b facing any problems
2. the hairdo does look very nice, i was fearing the worst with the boy cut
3. 9 to 6 i thought wud b a good change, y the apprehension?
4. very glad u wrote again

hope things work out fast, otherwise the future of men according to ur forecasts is doomed :)

RB said...

:-| Sense the tone! You think I care if it is 851 or 179? And loser, you actually went to her profile to check the correct number? Bledy!

Hairdo... hmm... I still do not have any pictures. Some time soon, hopefully.

1. Haha... I am not white. And anyway the burns are on my arms, not face. :)

2. I told you it not a boy cut. :D

3. Arre! Effort went into getting each of those piercings done. Pain bhi hua. So it is a kind of loss, y'know.

4. :-)

Yes, I too hope that things work out soon. Not so much for men's future as much as for my own. :)


Shreya said...

I'm sitting on an empty office floor, surrounded by depressing brown cubicle walls, with absolutely no human interaction. I feel like a coding engineer on the bench or something.

But maybe you're going through worse.


RB said...

I am at home and spend most part of the day staring at a white ceiling. And I am not getting paid for it. :)

The only difference probably is that my white seems happier than your brown.

Cheer up! I'm sure there are enough happy things in your life too. :)

Arobindo said...

ADVICE...I is not have been told a many times.. HANG ON

RB said...

Yes, dear Aro. Hanging on. :)

Jas B said...

oh no...sunburns...painful, especially when the sweating occurs, making things worse. I hope they are getting better...

Haven't seen the hot hairdo yet...when does humidity go away? August? Maybe we could take a peek at your new styled hair then?

Ahh, the virtues of retail therapy...yes it does work, till your credit card bill shows up at the month end...besides other bills. But this after effect is not a deterrent for the next cycle of retail therapy. :) Haven't done that lately, the move is making me broke. and I need to come up with tuition money too come August. Sulk sulk. :(

As Aro says, hang in there, sometimes that is the best thing we can do under the circumstances. :) I, too, am hanging by a thread these days, waiting around for a certification upon which my admission is dependent, and the govt. is taking its own sweet time...all govts. function in the same way, no matter which country one resides in.

RB said...

Yes, they're getting better. Thanks. :)

Humidity won't go until end of September. :|

Retail therapy sponsored by moms are better. :P
What move?

Aww... so let's hang together then. :) Best of luck!

Jas B said...

Humidity stays till September!!

So true, parents sponsored retail therapy is the best. :D

Moving back to Calgary. Burned a hole in my pocket last year when I moved to Ontario. Employers did not pay for the move as promised because it "was not in the contract". A 4000K hole! And now I am making the move back to Calgary on my employment...just another 4000K! :D

Yep, lets hang in there together. :) Thanks. :)

That Girl said...

# What happened to your knee?! Paining? Hope it's better now.
# I've heard the most horrific stories about getting a root canal done! It's truly a miracle yours was so easy. :) Yay for that!
# When the hell do we get to see pics?? I remember having asked you for pics earlier too! Grrr.
# HA!!
# Legends of CP kahan hai? There's a The Legend of Connaught or something like that too, na? I wanna try this other one.
# Which piercings did you lose?!
# 3.5 is still cheap compared to the 40-odd it costs to go there and do it. :-/

RB said...

Ohh... chor!
Never mind. I am sure things will be better soon. :)

# I think I will be going for a third opinion soon. The knee is only getting worse. :-/

# Oh yes! Yay! :D

# I know! Let me do something soon. Pakka! Or better still, throw a birthday party. I will turn up for sure. :P

# Grr!

# Legends of India. Outer Circle mein hi hai. Google it - too talked about.
Let's try this other one together. What say?

# Two in one ear and one in the other. :-/

# Haha.. yes, you've got a point.