You know those dark clouds that you know you cannot escape? Except that they keep dodging you and you cannot tell when they will get you. I started 2012 with a terrible intuition. But it was less of intuition and more the anticipation for the dark clouds. Dad's high BP and unacknowledgment of the issue always scared the life out of all of us. But none of us ever had the courage to even discuss it. All we could do was keep telling him to take his medication. And all he ever did was ignore us.
And then it happened. It had to happen. It was nothing less than a nightmare. I was suddenly facing the deepest fear in the middle of a night, seeking reassurance in unscientific words. But we were lucky. There was some loss; it was bound to be. It will be difficult for him to change and adapt now. But I think that's the easiest way out of what we experienced.
Thankful much, yes.