I do not remember the last time I felt nice going out of my way to be nice to someone. It just leads to sore disappointments. Nobody seems to be able to appreciate it. Nobody respects it. That is an unfortunate fact about our generation.
Hmm but its nice to do those things, for yourself if nothing...or at least that's the play in my head :|
Hmm but its nice to do those things, for yourself if nothing...or at least that's the play in my head :|
No man... doesn't seem to be worth it any more. Might make one come across as mean, but that's still better than losing peace over nonsense.
Sometimes you ought to do somethings just to not lose yourself and become party to the mess of the world.
Btw, came across this image http://pinterest.com/pin/84512930477151007/ and was instantly reminded of you :)
:) I saw it on your blog when you wrote about it. It's quite interesting. And I am glad my wall has recall value. :P
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