Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Signature Post

I don't think I am joining SIMC, but their letter came today, and they want my parents to compulsorily pay for a dSLR along with a lappy. So tempting. Darn it! :|

Had a nice cup of tea after really long today. My favourite when I buy one - Earl Grey. The guy there did shock me by not giving milk with it, but thankfully that was a mistake. :O

Went out for a nice and filling dinner with family too. It had been very long.

Frikkin Thackeray got arrested and got a bail in two hours for a measly 15K. Fuckers.

I snored today. :P But the moment I did it, I got up. It was so shocking and amusing. God save me.

Strangely, I am not getting to see much of chrysanthemums this season. I wonder why.

I need a new shampoo. Straight, oily hair. Nothing too expensive. Can anyone suggest something other than Garnier, Sunsilk and Head & Shoulders?

Presently, I am reading a novel. :D One of those thriller types.

Did I mention before that I finally got hold of that Fuchsia wallet that was once stolen from my bag? I mean, not that same wallet, but a similar one. Moi is happy. :D

And the bestest news of all. I have finally forgotten the mobile number of the first jerk that I dated. It's a big deal. :P

I'm assuming this is the kind of post everybody thinks is my signature post. At least your comments suggest so. Lemme know if I'm right. Or wrong. :-)

And oh, happy Valentine's. :-)


R said...

Once I heard someone say something similar. The common joke was that she announced the snoring bit because in all probability she doesn't want anyone sleeping with her anymore.

Unknown said...

Where did you go for dinner?

Reeta Skeeter said...

Aye eet ees!
Oh, yes where was the dinner?

RB said...


Woodsmoke & Reeta
Garam Masala at Chanakya Puri. One of my family's favourite places.

Butterfly said...

I hope you get rid of that snoring habit....

How about Clinic All Clear?

MeMyself_n_I said...

Fuchsia wallet. sounds very nice.
and coool, the snoring actually woke you up!

RB said...

Sinjini is not a habit. Just happened once. Thankfully. :)

:-) Yes, it woke me up.

Anonymous said...

which thriller ?

RB said...

Oh I read two Jeffrey Archers this week. Shall We Tell The President and The Eleventh Commandment. Loved the second one. :D