Sunday, July 24, 2011

Browsing Through Tabs

Having lots of tabs open on your browser can never be bad. Whether it is in an attempt to figure something like which ITR form to fill for your tax returns, or for travel, it's all for your own good. I, of course, am going to elucidate on the travel-related tabbed browsing.

If you are a regular here, you would know of all the travelogues which begin with a mention of scores of tabs, about various travel destinations/info about a select destination, open on my browser. In that context, this coming August seems to be way too exciting to be true. I think it will be exhausting if it really shapes up as per all tentative and confirmed plans, but that's no reason for me to not get excited. I know at least one of the trips will happen for sure since my tickets are already booked. It better not be a bummer. For the others I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that at least one materializes. Actually, I am hoping only one of those does because I am not sitting on a heap of Rupee notes and I need to space out such expenses. Pff.

Wondering where? I will tell you all about it in detail only when I am done doing what I want to. As of now, it should suffice to say that I can view lakes, hills, forests, AND snow on my tabs. Wohooo!! Shhhhhh!


Ranjan Atreya said...

Aha, this is the VOF trip is it? August did you say?? Hmmm

RB said...

VOF might not happen man! Apparently I need more time than a 3-day weekend.
