Monday, October 05, 2009

Who's the Judge?

I go through phases of liking, disliking, and back to liking the same people. Some people think that the disliking comes because I'm judgmental. So now I am wondering if being judgmental is also a subjective thing because I like to believe that I don't indulge in that. This thing that I am mentioning about people finding me to be judgmental are things that I don't like/cannot appreciate in another person. Trivial things. Or work-related things. I don't judge them for 'moral relativism'. I am nobody to even comment on something related to the 'morals' domain.

The disliking could come out of something as simple as spending way too much time with that person in question.

I have an example. If you are somebody I know purely out of your existence in the same physical environment as me, and not because of any friendship or even mere acquaintance, and you happen to have an annoying way of talking... I will find it annoying and maybe steer clear of you if you anyway seem to be talking of things that do not interest me.
But then if you are the lady who came to teach us HR this term, I would not deny that you had the world's most painful voice. However, at the same time, she was brilliant on content! She used to take day-long sessions with us and there was genuine value-add in those classes. But there were fuckers who wouldn't go beyond her voice, and managed to get her off the faculty list for the subject. Now, them, I judge! And why not! Why won't you judge stupidity?

So how do you define the word judgmental?

Oh, and some friends say that my first impression is that of a woman who is totally judging you for everything that you are saying or doing. I am not sure if it is meant to be a positive or a negative thing.


R said...

No, wait, it's always a good thing. Otherwise you're just one of those who go by the fifth person's opinion. Or something like that.

RB said...

Yea, I wouldn't want to be that.