Friday, November 28, 2014

Intolerance Comes Cheap

Through most part of this past year I have observed and been frustrated with huge amounts of baseless commentary about things that people do not seem to like or agree with. 

Today I read two small pieces online, both relevant to what irks me. The first one talked about how youth needs to be rebellious. That that is the only way to move the establishment and bring about change for the better. It made me think. At some level, I agree with the author. Status quo isn't the best. But rebellion is perhaps too strong a word. Our society's problem is not lack of rebellion. Its problem is rebels without a cause or direction. They don't know what they want. While it's always great to at least know what one doesn't want, when we're talking at a societal level that's not enough.      
The other thing that frustrates me is even more widespread. Everyone seems to be so intolerant of everything around them that it is almost suffocating. I am sure not all these people who complain can get a job done more effectively, be more productive, or simply be more accepted. Fine, if your tax money is being wasted by the government, you have the right to raise your voice. But if the old porter is taking a few extra moments to lug your bags, eff off! It's a simple example, but the problem is the same at every level. People have no respect whatsoever for others. Except for established super-rich super-achievers. I truly think people should take a moment to reflect on these words I came across before they go about their rants about others: "Question yourself as fiercely as you question society or others". It might just make the world a better place.

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