Sunday, July 20, 2014

Beloved Visitors

CheChe (coined in today's mint)
My first visitor here! While his trip itself was short, he made the initial days in the city tad easier. Sent me flowers, listened to my endless stories of being lost in the streets, encouraged me through every disastrous hour in the kitchen, gave me tips on navigating the supermarkets and helped through just about every challenge I faced!

While he was here, I got more love.

होंठ पे लिए हुए दिल की बात हम
जागते रहेंगे कितनी रात हम
मुख़्तसर सी बात है
तुम से प्यार है!

Then came Baij! His was a slightly unexpected visit but I was happy as ever to host someone here! I got to know him a little better, chatted at length about cultures and forced a free goody out of him! :D

I had started handing out invites to friends in India even before I had moved here. The first to pick one was none other than PK!

She made a long list of places she wanted to see and things she wanted to do. She talked about how she wanted to make good use of her time here and not be lazy. And she planned a little more. What we really did? Eat, drink and dance! Can one complain about that? No mister!

Latest on the list was my love, Ruhi! We met after over a year and made up for it all in the 24 hours we had together. We cooked, we shopped for food, cooked some more, bought some more food and then went crazy laughing thanks to a sugar rush at midnight!

We kept the ritual of having martinis together and shook on the latest travel-related pact!

Now, while I make a visit home, please get busy with your plan to visit me. 

Sunday, July 06, 2014


What do you do when your weaknesses start getting the better of you?